Testimonal: The Power of the StartUp Health Network

Shameet Luhar, co‑founder and CEO of Vheda Health, we’re headquartered in Columbia, Maryland. We’re a digital disease management and data analytics company. We always make an effort to come to these summits because it’s a great way for us to not only make presentations to venture capitalists but then, also, partners, potential customers.

It just so happens that during one of the most recent summits there was a woman sitting in the audience, Catherine Stickney, who heard one of our 59‑second pitches then afterwards, I believe, approached the StartUp Health community about an introduction to us. Through that introduction, we were able to have our first meeting in Washington, DC.

We hit it off with her. The reason we chose her is that she comes from the payer industry, which is exactly who our target market is. Having that type of caliber adviser brings not only credibility to the team, but she’s been marvelous in terms of product market fit, getting us introductions to not only potential investors but, then, customers.

I can’t even count the number of customer introductions that we’ve gotten on two hands from her. It’s just been phenomenal. We’re really pleased to have her.